Driver’s Education – Flagging Regulations
The safety of any event depends upon the proper observance of the Signal Flags.
The flags we will be using are:
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The RED FLAG is displayed in a waiving fashion and indicates serious trouble on the course. When the red flag is out all cars must stop as soon and as safely as possible. Cars must remain stopped, at the edge of the roadway, just off the track, until the red flag is withdrawn or replaced with a black or yellow flag. A black flag after a red flag will indicate to all drivers to proceed at reduced speed to the pits. A yellow flag following a red flag will indicate to all drivers that they may proceed at a reduced speed with no overtaking until given the all clear to continue at speed. |
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A Standing Yellow Flag indicates trouble on the course ahead (a car off the road, dirt on the track, etc.) Reduce speed and take caution. A waiving Yellow Flag indicates imminent danger ahead. Proceed with extreme caution at greatly reduced speed and be prepared to stop. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THERE TO BE ANY OVERTAKING DURING A YELLOW FLAG SITUATION. |
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The Green Flag indicates the course is clear, if no flag is displayed you may assume it is a Green Flag condition. |
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The Checkered Flag indicates the end of the session. It will be displayed only at the Start/Finish line. After passing the Start/Finish line and observing the checkered flag, Do Not Brake. Reduce speed and complete one cool down lap at moderate speed and exit the track onto pit lane. |
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Passing flag (Advisory). A faster car is attempting to pass. See passing rules. |
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Debris flag (Advisory). Slippery track conditions exist. Possibly, oil, sand, dirt, fluids or debris (car parts). Proceed with caution. |
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(Advisory) Caution! Emergency or a slow moving vehicle on track. |
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The Black Flag is used as a warning to a particular driver or to bring the complete session to the pits for a conference. When used to warn a particular driver, the flagger on the Start/Finish line or at a Black Flag Station will point the Black Flag to the car being flagged as it passes the station. In addition, the car # may be displayed at the Black Flag Station. The driver should acknowledge the Black Flag with a hand signal and proceed at reduced speed, with caution, to the pits where he will report to the Pit Marshal. The Black Flag may indicate either mechanical trouble or incorrect driving behavior.When used to bring all cars to the pits it will be displayed in the standing position at the Start/Finish line and at the Black Flag Station (Should the track have one) and may be displayed with a sign ALL. All cars will proceed at a reduced speed to the pits and follow the instructions of the Pit Marshall.Extreme carelessness, unsafe behavior, or failure to respond to a Black Flag signal may result in expulsion from the event at the discretion of the Chief Instructor and/or the event Chairman.We will invoke the 2/3 rule for black flags also. If you are black-flagged 2 times in one day or 3 times in two days, you will be asked to excuse yourself from the remainder of the event. |